Monday, January 31, 2011

Wedding dress finalists (so far)

So based on 2 weekends of looking and a MILLION website searches, I'm down to 4 finalist dresses. Two are dresses that I've actually tried on, and two are dresses that I ordered online based on what I now know about my body type and what looks flattering on it. I'll receive the two online dresses by the end of February, so I won't really be able to make an informed decision til then. Anyway, here are semi-finalists (click to enlarge):




  1. hey mamma. dont like the 1st or 3rd, but LOVE you in numero dos (that neckline is fab!) and can't wait to see you in the 4th!

  2. Finally, I get to post on this thing! I love the upper right one :-D
